In Font of the Month

Long time no see guys! In case you didn’t know, I did not create a font of the week last week because I was visiting family. So I decided to treat you to TWO fonts that work really well together. Centaur & Ballpark



In 1914, the Metropolitan Museum of Art wanted a new font. A nice clean elegant typeface that helps encompass the art on display. Based off of many Renaissance models, Centaur fit perfectly with the museum. It was not released to the public for fifteen years, as Frederic Warde created the italics and the Roman lowercase weights. This typeface is pre-installed on all Windows machines.

Unfortunately, Ballpark does not have any information on its creation and purpose. You can visit the creator’s (Mickey Rossi) website at

Why do they work together?

The success of these fonts working so well together is due to the fact that they do not compete for attention. It is clear that Ballpark should be used as a display font, while Centaur works best as subtext or a secondary header. I have been playing with this type of combination lately and have really found it fun and exciting. Pairing a script font with a nice elegant serif or sans serif really helps the text pop out and speak to the reader.


You can download Ballpark from here.

You can download Centaur here. Although it isn’t free, it is pre-installed on all Windows machines.


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  • Trisha

    Challenge complete! Very nice choice.

    • onevio

      Thanks! Do I get to level up now that I have completed the challenge?

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