In Jakob Bradshaw Productions, Personal

Louie Awards Banner

The Louies is an event hosted every year by the American Advertising Federation (AAF) in Louisville, KY. These awards are for marketers, designers, and advertisers in the Louisville area that have received recognition for their work.

As you know, I worked on an app called Heart Health + which helps users lower their blood pressure through healthy recipes, stress reducing techniques, and access to their doctors and services. You can learn more about Hearth Health + here.

Turns out I recieved a Gold Louie for my design methodology and app design! This is one of the highest awards one can receive at this award ceremony. My piece has also been entered into the “Addies” which is a district level competition for Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.

Click here to view my award!

EDIT: Turns out I won an award in the district competition as well! Heart Health + is going to the national competition!







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