In Personal

Growing up, I knew that I wanted to create something that showed my perspective of the world. In fourth grade, I started playing the violin through a program in my school. I fell in love with the idea of creating such beautiful art through my instrument. I was sure I wanted to go to college to study music and eventually become a musician.

Moving to a new school meant having to give up my orchestra classes because my new school didn’t offer them. I tried playing the trumpet in the school’s band, but couldn’t really get into it. I slowly let my love for playing the violin fade away and my ability to express myself through my art went with it.

Going through high school, I decided to take a Digital Photography course just to see what it was about. I quickly learned about the basics of Photoshop and how cameras work. I fell in love with it. I picked up on the techniques quickly and would watch as many tutorials online as I could. I passed the class with an “A” and had found something that would help express my creativity again.

My school offered a unique experience for students who felt they really knew what they wanted to do with their lives. They offered specific two year training courses in job related fields in order to help jump boost these kids into the workforce. They called it a Career Technical Program and was offered to juniors to take along with their normal classes. They set up a booth for each career field, and as I was walking around, I saw a booth for “Graphic Design and Illustration.” I got some information about the program and felt like it was perfect for me. I signed up and for my last two years of high school, I learned everything from typography, to illustration. After the program, I took a test administered by the state of Ohio, and became officially certified to start a career in an entry-level graphic design position.

After high school I decided to go off to college to learn more about the world of design, I am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s in Computer Graphic Design at Sullivan College of Technology and Design. I am very passionate about what I do and have always known I wanted to be a creative. Although I originally wanted to become a musician, finding that Digital Photography class was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

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